Collective Travel Design
Unleashing Unique Experiences and Unbeatable Value for the Savvy Traveler
Experience luxury travel at no additional cost. Enjoy premium services and exclusive upgrades that far surpass standard travel services, ensuring once you travel with us, you'll never look back.
our approach
At Collective Travel Design, we believe in the transformative power of travel and the unparalleled joy of new experiences. Our mission is to serve our clients with personalized travel solutions that help them explore new horizons without stretching their budget. By leveraging our extensive industry knowledge and partnerships, we ensure that each journey is enriched with unforgettable moments and exceptional value.
Creating Customized Experiences
We tailor every travel plan to suit your interests, preferences, and past travel experiences, ensuring every trip is distinctive and memorable.
Unmatched Value
By maximizing the benefits of exclusive deals and insider connections, we guarantee that you enjoy premium experiences without paying extra.
Savvy Travel Solutions
Our services cater to the informed traveler who seeks both adventure and comfort. We understand that value extends beyond cost—it’s about creating lasting memories and enriching your life.
Industry partners pay us a commission after your trip, and because of this, we don't charge any fees for bookings* - they pay, you don't, and you still get the perks!
* in extremely rare cases, Collective Travel Design may charge booking fees. Any such fees will be disclosed, discussed and authorized by the client prior to being applied.
Click here to enter by November 30, 2024
not ready to travel?
not ready to travel?
not ready to travel? not ready to travel?
At Collective Travel Design,
VIP Service is the standard,
not an upgrade
our services
and more.